Today, a federal appeals court upheld a ruling blocking President Trump's travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries. In response, Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, said:
"The court's decision today reaffirms what we knew all along - that a "revised" and disguised Muslim ban is still an unconstitutional Muslim ban. The court's decision demonstrates, again, that President Trump is not above the law. We stood in protest with thousands of New Yorkers at JFK the day after the first ban, and we will continue to defend the values that truly make America great: opportunity and justice for all.”
In response to the enactment of Trump’s first travel ban, The New York Immigration Coalition led the #NoBanJFK movement, assisting travelers from over 20 countries and organizing hundreds of lawyers and volunteers. The protests at JFK sparked actions across the nation, including a rally held in Battery Park the next day, which drew over 30,000 people.
The New York Immigration Coalition is an umbrella policy and advocacy organization for nearly 200 groups in New York State that work with immigrants and refugees. The NYIC aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all by promoting immigrants’ full civic participation, fostering their leadership, and providing a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.