Blueprint for the Nation
The Blueprint for the Nation: Building Immigrant Power from California to New York includes a vision along with concrete policy priorities for five issue areas in New York State and California that are critical to immigrant communities: Creating Healthy Communities; Building Political Power and Guaranteed Civil Rights; Ending State Support for Deportation, Detention and Mass Incarceration; Ensuring Economic Justice and Good Jobs; and Quality Education.
Civic Participation
Immigrants must build political strength to shape the policies that affect their lives. The NYIC promotes the full civic engagement of immigrants through a comprehensive civic participation program—educating and mobilizing voters, registering new citizens to vote, ensuring that candidates and officials address immigrant issues, and developing community leaders.
The NYIC Education team advocates for a quality education for New York's immigrant youth. Through our NYIC Education Collaborative and together with our allies, we fight to support children developing English proficiency, meaningful immigrant family engagement, youth empowerment and welcoming schools.
The NYIC strives to improve immigrant health by increasing access to health coverage and care and by strengthening capacity within immigrant-serving community organizations to help overcome barriers to care. We work with community groups and agencies to educate people about health care rights and help them overcome barriers to health care.
Immigrant Rights
The NYIC Immigrant Rights Policy team works to end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration. We envision a country that ensures the basic human dignity and core constitutional and human rights of everyone, regardless of race or immigration status, especially in the immigration and criminal legal systems.
Supporting Immigration Services
The NYIC Special Projects team develops and implements unique, community-based initiatives and campaigns to engage, empower, and holistically integrate immigrant communities in New York. These include the NYIC's Key to the City and Black Immigrant Engagement Initiatives, adult literacy education policy, and immigrant rights community education since the 2016 federal election.
The New York Immigration Coalition advocates for immigrants via fair and sustainable campaigning to grant basic education, access to health coverage, the right to vote, and more. Explore all our current and past campaigns, and see how you too can support immigrant rights to help immigrants live better lives.