Trump’s New Vetting Center Stigmatizes Immigrants, Ignores Right-Wing Extremism

February 7th, 2018

“We will not make Americans safer by throwing military parades or stigmatizing immigrants for their very existence.”

NEW YORK, NY – Yesterday Donald Trump signed a national security directive to establish a new immigration vetting center, albeit without any new funding or authorities. In response, the New York Immigration Coalition Executive Director, Steven Choi, issued the following statement:

"This new so-called "national vetting center" is nothing more than a misleading stunt to take away attention from the Trump Administration’s failure to deal with immigration. We already have an incredibly rigorous vetting process for newcomers, and this new ridiculous idea has a glaring hole at its center – the very real issue of homegrown terrorism by right-wing extremists, targeting newcomers and other Americans. We will not make Americans safer with meaningless gestures that falsely stigmatize immigrants."