NEW YORK, NY – Today, the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) was invited to give testimony at the New York State Assembly’s first hearing on Immigrant Access to Healthcare. Claudia Calhoon, Director of Health Policy at NYIC, will be speaking about the barriers facing immigrant populations in accessing healthcare. The joint hearing is held by Richard N. Gottfried, Member of Assembly Chair Committee on Health; Marcos A. Crespo, Member of Assembly Chair Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force; and Michaelle C. Solages, Member of Assembly Chair Task Force on New Americans.
New York Immigration Coalition Health Policy Director, Claudia Calhoon, issued the following statement:
“In light of the Trump administration’s devastating attacks on our healthcare system, New York needs to evaluate how it will protect immigrant access to healthcare in particular. There are over 4 million immigrant New Yorkers, but roughly 10% don’t have access to insurance because of their status. Where a person comes from should not determine their right to see a doctor and get the treatment they need.”
Please read Claudia’s full testimony here.
1-in-4 New Yorkers are immigrants and about 433,000 New Yorkers are unable to access comprehensive coverage because of their immigration status. A recent assessment by the New York State Health Foundation shows that non-citizens are five times more likely to lack coverage than citizens. Barriers to access include non-citizen access to insurance, language barriers and translation services at healthcare and hospital facilities, and cuts to federal programs like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and CHP (Child Health Plus).