On Wednesday, Mayor de Blasio released an $84.9 billion budget for New York City against a backdrop of uncertainty from the Federal government. Steve Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, said:
"The New York Immigration Coalition applauds NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s commitment to investing an unprecedented 16.4 million in legal services for people facing deportation and detention, unaccompanied children, and asylum seekers. At a time when immigrants are under senseless attack by the federal government, this is still our New York: a city made strong by its diversity."
"But we are extremely disappointed to see the Mayor leave behind adult learners, the majority of whom are immigrants. Without a renewal of last year’s investment, thousands of adult learners will lose their classroom seats starting July 1. We urge the City Council to restore the investment to $12 million and continue to be champions for equality and access for all."
The New York Immigration Coalition is an umbrella policy and advocacy organization for nearly 200 groups in New York State that work with immigrants and refugees. The NYIC aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all by promoting immigrants’ full civic participation, fostering their leadership, and providing a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.